Mitsui Fudosan Group

Guest Room

Room Facilities

  • 1 bed
  • 2 beds
  • 3 beds
  • Accessible
  • All

Premier Floor 13 - 15F

The area of this room is calculated using the center line of the wall, including the pipe shaft.

Regular Floor 3 - 12F

The area of this room is calculated using the center line of the wall, including the pipe shaft.

Guest Services

Internet connection

Free Wi-Fi network access throughout the building.


Opening Hours 19:30〜1:30(Last check-in 1:00)
Cost (full body) 40 min. 5,280 yen 60 min. 7,920 yen

Laundry service

Please fill out and place the provided laundry slip in your laundry bag and bring it to the front desk. Laundry received before 10 AM will be returned after 5 PM the same day. Laundry service is not available during the Obon and New Year’s holidays.

Coin-operated Laundry

Floor 16F

Rental Items

Please contact the front desk if you would like to rent any of these items. ※Please note that these items are in limited supply.

Smoking Area

Smoking area is on 2F.

About Check-in / Check-out Times

Check-in 15:00 | Check-out 11:00

  • *We ask for payment at the time upon checking in.
  • *Please notify the hotel in the case of late arrival.
    Your reservation may be cancelled if you arrive without notice more than two hours after your scheduled arrival time.

3-4-15 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0005


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