Mitsui Fudosan Group

Best Rate Guarantee

If you make a reservation through our official website,
you can get your reservation at our Best Rate - our lowest possible price.

Furthermore, if you are an MGH Rewards Club member, you can get even further discounts on top of our Best Rate.
Members who make a reservation on the phone or through an in-person visit can also make a reservation at the Best Rate of that day.

※Prices listed on the official website and on websites operated by other companies fluctuate daily depending on room availability.
There may be times when prices on the official website are the same as other reservation sites.

Best Rate Guarantee Conditions

In order to qualify for the Best Rate Guarantee, the following conditions must be met.

  • Comparison is made using websites operated in Japan.
  • Comparisons have the same conditions (hotel, date of stay, number of people, room type, payment method, cancellation conditions, length of stay, check-in and check-out time)
  • Comparisons are made between plans with the same additional services and/or benefits (amenities, etc.)

Not covered by Best Rate Guarantee

The following cases are excluded from comparison. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Rates that are not available to the general public, such as corporate rates
  • Rates targeted at specific membership organizations
  • Rates where the hotel has no control over prices, e.g. sales made through travel agents Rates based on the use of points or vouchers from other websites as discounts
  • Rates that are unavailable through online booking, e.g. those that are only available when booked by telephone
  • Rates offered by auction sites or joint purchase sites
  • Rates for packages that include use of facilities, transportation, meals, etc. other than accommodation

What happens in cases like these?

Q:Even though the day of the week is the same, prices are cheaper on X date (e.g., Monday, March 7 is cheaper than Monday, March 14)
Rates only apply to the same date.
Q:I made a reservation for one night on [Date], but the price for that date is cheaper in a different company website's 'consecutive nights' plan.
As that price is based on a stay of multiple nights, it is not covered by the guarantee unless the date of your stay is the same (arrival and departure date).
Q:The price of a stay at Mitsui Garden Hotel Otemachi is cheaper than that of Mitsui Garden Hotel Nihonbashi Premier.
The guarantee only applies if the hotel is the same.
Q:The price is cheaper on my credit card company's membership website.
Prices for specific membership organizations are not applicable.
Q:The prices listed in travel agency pamphlets are cheaper.
Travel agency rates are not applicable, as the hotel has no control over the prices listed.

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