Mitsui Fudosan Group

Frequently Asked Questions

About Stay

How many days in advance can I make a reservation?
It varies by hotel, so please make a direct inquiry with the hotel you are planning to stay in.
The days I’m planning to stay are fully booked so can I be put on a waiting list?
Unfortunately, we do not have a waiting list. Please check for availabilities on the hotel’s website.
How do I make reservations from abroad?
Please make reservations through the website (there is an english reservation page) or call the hotel directly.
I made a reservation online but I haven’t received a confirmation email yet.
Confirmation emails are expected to be sent. In the case you have not received one, please contact the hotel directly and ask them to resend the confirmation email.
For stays with cash vouchers, is the consumption tax displayed on the receipt?
Consumption tax is exempt for cash vouchers, so the consumption tax equivalent to the amount corresponding to the figure deducted from the cash voucher is displayed.
Does the fee indicated at the time of reservation include consumption tax or service fees?
The listed rates include tax. (There is no service charge at the hotel.)
However, an accommodation tax may be charged at hotels in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Kanazawa, and Fukuoka, and will be added as a separate item.
The accommodation tax rate may change without prior notice, and an accommodation tax may be charged at hotels in some municipalities other than those listed above.
For the latest information, please check the homepage of the municipality where you are staying.
How do I change or cancel my reservation?

About cancellation fees:

Number of people No showSame dayDay before9 days ahead20 days ahead
General: Up to 14 people 100% 80% 20%
Group Over 15 people 100%80%20%10%
Over 100 people 100%100%80%20%10%

* If there is no contact 2 hours over the expected arrival time, it may be counted as a cancellation.

I want to change or cancel my reservation on the website, but I don’t know how to.
You can make changes by clicking on the “View / Modify / cancel reservation” button on the website.

Can I pay by credit card, travel coupons (Kinki Nippon Tourist, etc), gift cards (JCB, UC,etc)?
It varies by hotel, so please make a direct inquiry with the hotel you are planning to stay in.
Can the hotel provide cakes or help with surprises or celebrations for events such as birthdays?
We will help as much as possible. Please consult the hotel you will be staying in.
What facilities (humidifier, dvd player, ports, amenities, etc) does the hotel provide in rooms?
It varies by hotel. Please check the “room information” section on the top of the hotel’s website or contact the hotel directly.
Does the hotel have a communal bath?
The following hotels have a communal bath: Nihonbashi Premier, Jingugaien Tokyo Premier, Ginza-gochome, Shiodome Italia-gai, Toyosu BAYSIDE CROSS Tokyo, Gotanda, Sapporo, Sapporo West, Sendai, PRANA Tokyo Bay, Kashiwa-no-ha, Nagoya Premier, Kanazawa, Kyoto Shinmachi Bettei, Kyoto Sanjo, Kyoto Shijo, Kyoto Kawaramachi Jokyoji, Osaka Premier, Okayama, Fukuoka Gion, Fukuoka Nakasu, Taipei Zhongxiao.
About general household medicines at the hotel
In line with the provisions outlined in Article 24 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, we do not provide medicines.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, but ask that guests prepare any medicines they may require in advance of their stay. There is a hospital and drug store nearby, so please do not hesistate to ask at the front desk for more information if needed.

About Restaurant

Can people who are not staying at the hotel use the restaurants (including breakfast)?
It varies by hotel, so please make a direct inquiry with the hotel you are planning to stay in.
Is the breakfast fee for children and adults the same?
It varies by hotel, so please make a direct inquiry with the hotel you are planning to stay in.


I want a hotel pamphlet. Where should I request it?
Digital pamphlets are available on the website. Please click on the “digital pamphlet” button for the hotel you are interested in.
Why do I receive emails from the hotel late night or early morning?
There are time lags sometimes due to mailing issues. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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