Mitsui Fudosan Group

Hotel Info

hygiene management and avoiding the 3Cs

Check-in 15:00
Check-out 11:00

Hotel Security

A contactless room key that is easy to use even when carrying luggages. A key card is needed at the following locations, in addition to your room.

  • -1F entrance door and sub-entrance door (10:00 pm to 6:00 am)
  • -Within guest room elevators

Emergency exit

Please make sure that the Emergency Evacuation Instructions is shown on the door when entering the room.

Guest Services

Internet connection

All areas in the hotel are Wi-Fi accessible Internet connection available Wireless LAN available can be used anywhere in the hotel.

Coin-operated Laundry

Floor3F, 7F

Rental Items

Please contact the front desk if you would like to rent any of these items. ※Please note that these items are in limited supply.


Cafe & Restaurant

We offer Western cuisine made with local seasonal vegetables that has a delicate Japanese-style taste. We also prepare menus to meet the needs of patients visiting the hospital. As well as dining in your room, on a sunny day, you can also dine at Kashiwanoha Park, located opposite the hotel. Non-staying guests are also welcome to use the facilities.

06:30~09:30(Last entry 09:15)
Japanese-style & Western-style Buffet
11:30~15:00(Last entry 13:30)
* Booking required / Closed on Mondays
17:30~21:00(Last entry 19:30)
* Booking required / Closed on Mondays

Lunch, Dinner

Meals suitable for your individual physical health

We can prepare easy-to-eat dishes designed to suit your physical condition. (Reservations required)

Chopped meals: food served cut into 5 mm cubes
Soft vegetarian meals: served soft so it can be easily broken down with a spoon
Bite-sized meals: food served cut into 2 cm pieces

Take-out menu

For those who would prefer to dine outside of the restaurant, a variety of take-out menus are available. Please make reservations in advance. Please inquire at the restaurant.

Meal Delivery AI Robot

We also offer a service where AI robots deliver restaurant take-out menus to guest rooms.

Further information


Sandwiches, aromatic coffee, and tea will be served.

Bakery, Cafe
09:30~15:00(Last entry 14:30)
*Closed on Mondays


A self-service drinks area is available.

Floor 2F
Opening Hours 24 hours


The hotel has no parking lot, but we can provide information on paid parking in the area. Please contact the hotel for details.

Dedicated parking spaces are available for guests using the hospital.

Smoking Area

The National Cancer Center Hospital East is accredited as a core hospital for clinical research, so smoking is prohibited on the premises, including in the hotel.

Convenience Store


Floor 1F
Opening Hours 7:00~22:00

6-5-2 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-city, Chiba, 277-0882


Hotel Brochure

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